Monday, December 5, 2011

Religion:The 'most crual path' followed by human

Religions were generated to fight with cruals in ancient times.And In this process they have included a very large number of assumptions to fight with cruals .These assumptions are generated by ancient race of human,and in those early conditions.So these assumptions are based on revenge,hate and cruality with those who do not believe in them.There are animals which they have to eat and there are enimies which they have to destroy.So there was not much difference between animals and enimy humans.There is no more hateful thing that you kill someone and eat that.At that time the same thing religion allow with humans,who were not follower of them.
So now religion is exist in this time with same assumptions,and thus religion is most hateful thing in the world.
A person can do any type of most hated crime by following religion,and in this process the person do not feel any type of guilty ,beside this it is a matter of proud for that person among these type of societies having that religion.
Even it is easy to say the religion is crual,but when I saw this happening ,I feel shiver.Religious person can  kill most innocents,as new born child or any person who do not have any connection or there is a blood relation with that religious person.
One must not believe on any  religious person,As much the  person is religious ,much more the chance of that person to be untrusted.Because he will not think,he will follow the rules that were made by ancient race and discripted by non scientific way.

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