Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Inorganic life,life in metals

Lee Cronin at the University of Glasgow, has made large building blocks "polyoxometalates" ,which are made of a range of metal atoms, tungsten that is linked to oxygen and phosphorus.

He mixed  negatively charged ions of large metal oxides bound to small positively charged ions such as hydrogen or sodium. with large positively charged ions of large metal oxides bound to small negatively charged ions,and get metal oxide prcipitates which is insoluble in water,and are self assembled cell like spheres.
He call this iCHELLS or inorganic chemical cells.
He gave some key feature of specialised cell,by making oxide structure with holes within and thus allowing chemicals in and out of cells according to size just as in biological cells.This membrane can control over a range of chemical reactions that can happen in the cell..
He made cells inside cells as in organic cells.
This iCHELL worked as equipment for photosynthesis as when open to light sensitive dyes,he create a membrane that split water into hydrogen ion ,electron and oxygen ion,which is first step to photosynthesis.
Another feature was the proton can be pumped across the membrane so to produce proton gradient,which is a key stage in harnessing energy from light.
All these steps could create a self-powered cell with elements of plant-like metabolism.
Later he showed polyoxometalates to use each other as templates to self-replicate.

I think whether these initial cells do not contain DNA like structure,but as synthetic DNA has been formed by Creg vinter,an initial living cell can be produced,which will be inorganic life.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Reservation of casts in india

India give reservation to schedule casts,schedule tribes and other backward classes in education ,jobs and other areas.This is 50% in central gov. and upto 89% in different states.
By reservation people think that there is a dilution of intelligence indifferent sectors,and merger of less intelligent people in system.The thing is more than this.
Reservation means to make the state from initial ,it is not about increment in economocal and intelligency of the population of state upto the level of world.It is about to start the formation of state since stone age every time the reservation is given.And the state has to bear all those dumb and less civilized people to accomodate it .It is not about making a colony.It is just as a jungle in which different casts live.
In my experience it is tough to maintain a normal relationship in the society among the casts differentiate based on reservation factor.Because they have always in their mind that their resources are distributed between different casts .And more powerful cast will enjoy more resources.In any organization people from every cast make their own group.And they critisize other group.They do politics then,and even do anything to dominate other cast.
However polititions of the country enjoy this system because this is a easy cake to them.

The people of genral catagory not only have to contribute their resources but also have to be in consideration that while reserved casts fight among them,but they are unite when there is a case of reserved verses non reserved casts.If reserved casts are in power they even can not speak anything against reservation.
In organizations there is a war between social grouping and single talent. Reserved casts prefer social grouping and genral prefer single talent normaly ,in case if genral class person is living only on the bases of his talent.
Reserved casts save themself on the bases of group while genral class try to use facts and reasons.
I found that it is almost impossible to make people talented on the bases of reservation.They just enjoy the resources ,make groups to develop further economically,and never try to increase their talent in any field.

If there is reservation remain of this type,this country never have developed people.Because they never know the taste of sweet fruits of creative thinking.
The genral class has only way that they leave this jurasic park.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Orion MPCV-MIssion to Mars,Slow developments

 According to prliminary report for NASA's Space Launch System and Multipurpose Crew Vehicle-2011, the challenges and developments in summary were-

NASA was required upgrade it's SLS so that lower versons hardware can be used for it's future missions to astroids and mars.According to expected capabilities as-

1. To 70-100 tons to lower earth orbit and 130 tons or more in further developments.
2.Able to lift MPCV
3.For supplying and supporting cargo and crew to ISS when needed.

Five heavy lift launch vehicle families were reviewed according to weighted figure of merit as follows-


By this 27.5-foot LOX/LH2/SSME HLV and 2Mlbf GG RP vehicles were highest rated across all of the FOMs

Current SLS vehicle design utilize to the maximum extent practicable assets from Space Shuttle Program and Ares Project. The Reference Vehicle Design is an in-line,
1.large-diameter liquid oxygen/liquid hydrogen (LOX/LH2) core stage with multiple liquid propulsion core stage SSME-derived engines, and two five segment solid rocket boosters.
2.The Upper Stage consists of a J-2X cryogenic Upper Stage with approximately
294 klbf thrust capability, initially lift approximately 100 tons to LEO, and be evolvable to 130 tons or more; 3. be able to lift an MPCV; and
4.be capable of serving as a backup system for supplying and supporting cargo and crew delivery requirements for the ISS.

The Requirements For MPCV are-
1. To serve as the primary crew vehicle for missions beyond LEO.
2.To conduct regular in-space operations.
3.Provide an alternative means of crew and cargo transportation to and from the ISS
4.Capability for efficient and timely evolution.

NASA’s  designs for the beyond-LEO (formerly lunar) version of the Orion include the following basic capabilities and specifications – all of which were traceable to MPCV requirements
1.Crew size: 2 to 4
2.Crewed mission duration: 21.1 days
3.Velocity change capability: 5233 ft/s
4.Main engine thrust: 7,500 pounds
5.Pressurized volume: 690.6 cubic feet
6.Net habitable volume: 316 cubic feet
7.Skipped Entry Capability: Can traverse up to 4,800 nautical miles (nmi) from atmospheric entry interface to landing point from lunar return trajectories;
8.Landing: Water landing off California coast with a 5.4 nmi landing accuracy
9.EVA Capability: Via depressurization of the crew compartment

Based on the aforementioned minimum capability requirements listed in Section 3.1 of this report, NASA has concluded that--

Given the applicability of the current Orion work, NASA’s Reference Vehicle Design for MPCV is the beyond-LEO version of the current Orion. It must be emphasized for clarity that the MPCV design will be optimized for beyond-LEO exploration capability. Any contingency utilization as a backup-LEO crew vehicle will represent a highly inefficient vehicle usage.

It is not yet clear whether the Reference Vehicle Design fully meets the NASA Administrator’s three principles for development of any future systems for exploration -- namely that these systems must be affordable, sustainable, and realistic. Further work is required in assessing potential contract changes, oversight simplifications and other cost-saving measures to understand the degree to which this development meets these principles. NASA recognizes that new affordability strategies must be implemented in the design and Project management process to meet a constrained budget environment


MPCV was announced by NASA on 24 May 2011,and will launch a delta IV heavy rocket in july 2013.

NASA had hoped to follow this (now obsolete) schedule in development of the Orion
  1. 2006–2007 — Engineering review of selected design
  2. May 6, 2010 — PA-1 (Pad Abort-1) unmanned  pad abort test
  3. 2009 (Sep) — AA-1 (Ascent Abort-1) unmanned ascent abort test.
  4. 2010 (Spring) — PA-2 unmanned pad abort test
  5. 2010 (August) — AA-2 unmanned ascent abort test
  6. 2011 (February) — AA-3 unmanned ascent abort test (low-altitude tumble test)
  7. 2012 (September) — Ares I-Y unmanned ascent abort test (high altitude)
  8. 2014 — First unmanned flight of Orion in Earth orbit
  9. 2016 — First manned flight of Orion in Earth orbit.
  10. 2015–2018 — First unmanned flight of Altair.
  11. 2016–2018 First manned flight of Altair.
  12. 2019 First manned lunar landing with Orion/Altair system.
  13. 2020 Review of Mars missions
  14. 2031 The Mission to Mars has tentative dates
The report tells why developments are slow.Why affordability has given largest weightage.I can not understand that why funding for these missions is difficult.Why talented persons not avaible to meet the requrements for such mission.If this is a so long term mission,and life of a human is less than this,why we can not prepare more concentrated persons for this.We take it as a daily life job.I think we have less time period to be prepared for another disaster,as much we know about space.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Intel's Ivy Bridge processor

Intel's new Ultrabook processor 'Ivy Bridge' has to be launch.It will use-
1.Trigate transistor technology to reduce power consumption
2.Next generation intel HD graphics with Direct X11,openGL 3.1,openCL 1.1 support.The built in GPU is supposed to have upto 16 execution units(EUs).
3.Next Generation 'Intel Quick Sync Video' for fast video streaming.
4.PCI express 3.0 support for high bandwidth.
5.New random number generator and RdRand instruction,which is codenamed 'Bull Mountain' for security.

This will 20%increase in CPU performence and 60% increase in integrated graphics performance.

The main emphasis on power saving and security.

If there is emphasis on only for high bandwidth and power saving,the cost can be reduced.Because the main emphasis of most users is fast streaming video on internet.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Congressional Research Service report --A view about india

US SRS report about india has been published on 1 sep 2011.The topic is "India:Domestic issues,Stratagic dynamics and U.S. relations." It is made to understand the relations with india and making policy according to that.It is for U.S..
But It gives view that how other country visualize india.
It is a balenced report.It covers topics well --india economy,india civil nuclear cooperation,human right concerns,india's forign policy and forign relations.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Decision,which is threat to common person !

After 9 years of investigation on 12 september2011, Supreme court has sent the case of murder of ahasan jafri ,gulbarga society case ,to the lower court .
This shows how our 'law' is in hand of killers.This shows that if any body can not get justice by suprime court ,then that person should assume himself as a 'slave'.And slave should do all those efforts ,that a slave can do to get freedom.
This case of gujrat riots is threat to all of us.This case teach killers that how to do murder and be unite so that even supreme court can not give justice to victims!


Which type of country this is?

In 2005 ,when there were blast in delhi,at 8:15 evening ,I have heard a shout voice of a man ,behind news anchor "Lal Singh" that "tujhe to phaansi hogi" (You will be hanged till death).
I do not know who gave right to that person to threat on national channel delhi doordarshan,without showing his face and during news time by interrupting that.And this was heared all over via satellite.
Will delhi doordarshan clearify this ,"To which person the threat was given like this"?
I think that indian constitution have given right to doordarshan to give threat  by shouting on the channel.
Now there is again blasts in delhi high court,will doordarshn again announced the threat on it's news channel like earlier and will give death sentence.Where is that person who had given death sentence?Who will take respnsibility to give threat at news time .Will doordarshan call the "huji" and "indian mujhahiddin" on its channel and give threat to them.Because "Law is in the Hands of doordarshan".
Which type of country this is?